The winners of the Memebox Giveaway!
Hello my dear readers!
Today it's the 13th july, and as promised I will announce our three winners of the Memebox Giveaway. Exciting huh? Enough with the talk. The winners are...

Let's take a look at the winners answer about how their dream Memebox would look like:
Emelie: My dream Memebox would be a box that is completly picked out just for me. Where I would fill out a form about my eyecolour, skintype and haircolor, and Memebox would handpick items just to fit my profile. That would be a real dreambox :)
My dream box would be an anime box. With anime themed skincare and makeup that would be super exciting :) (imagine a sailor moon compact squeeeee)
Ostkräm, ostkräm ostkräm, need I say more?
Haha, men helt ärligt jag älskar min ostkräm.
En favoritbox för mig skall innehålla en bra blandning, tex. Produkt för ansiktet för problemhud, rengöring, god doft, söta pryttlar, ngt för fötterna och kanske något oväntat som jag absolut inte skulle köpa själv.
Älskar memebox!
En favoritbox för mig skall innehålla en bra blandning, tex. Produkt för ansiktet för problemhud, rengöring, god doft, söta pryttlar, ngt för fötterna och kanske något oväntat som jag absolut inte skulle köpa själv.
Älskar memebox!
I want to thank all you guys who participated in this Giveaway! Don't forget to check out my blog again for more competitions and Giveaways!
The winners have 24 hours to answer with their contact information. If I don't get any answer I will announce out a new winner from the other participants.